Draconius GO: Catch a Dragon!

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1.9.3. Strike from the depth!

22 August 2018

For ages ocean's depths have kept the secret of the extraordinary creatures. But recently a family with the unique skills has been discovered!

You might underestimate Plesio if you look at it's vitality - it's really not that strong. But try out and test the force of it's combat skills and maybe Plesio will become a leader of your combat team. Some specimen may be unbelievably lethal!

See also

Summer is time for new discoveries!

02 June 2020

In summer, the fauna of the world of dragons loses caution, which enables rangers to make unique discoveries.

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Update 1.12. Who doesn’t like bonuses?

20 November 2019

Update 1.12. Who doesn’t like bonuses?

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Master of Illusion

27 June 2019

Interesting news from our scientists!

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