Hurray! Fantastic news!
26 October 2017

We've received an ungrounded complaint from Niantic in Appstore - they think we've violated their copyright.
However, we didn't use their coding or graphics when developing our product, it's absolutely original. The developers of this popular GO game seem to think that they own the exclusive rights for the whole AR genre. It's not like that. We believe that the market and players will only benefit from healthy competition. When we developed this game, we consulted leading world class lawyers, and we are 100% certain that Niantic's claim is unjustified.
Niantic's reaction shows that they consider us as a serious rival. By doing so, they actually prove that our product is better. In just one year, our Ukrainian team has managed to do more than Niantic, with all their billions of income. And we are proud of our results.
Our graphic is unique and better quality than in any other AR games. Besides, our game offers a variety of game mechanics that were never used in other AR games. We hear and understand our players, we offer them an interesting gameplay. That’s what makes us special.
We hope that our rivals will start improving their own games instead of making complaints and ignoring their fans.
Currently, we are preparing new updates that we hope will make our players happy in the nearest future.
See also
Summer is time for new discoveries!
02 June 2020
In summer, the fauna of the world of dragons loses caution, which enables rangers to make unique discoveries.